MindLab Privacy Policy

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Here at MindLab, we protect your personal data according to GDPR (General Data Privacy Regulation) for that reason we won’t sell, rent, or use your information without your permission.

What kind of information we collect:

  • Name
  • Job title or role
  • Company
  • Phone number
  • Industry
  • Business type
  • Company size
  • Any other personal information that you choose to info us about

How and why we collect your personal info:

MindLab collects information to be able to establish and develop a relationship with you. The collection will be done thought our online forms, cookies and third party sources like Social Media, Analytics and/or other tools that can be used on mobile or other computing devices. Some of these tools may store information on mobile or other devices.

We also track behavioral and geographic data on our website to help us provide more relevant content to you. We use some third-party Cookies and Google Analytics (https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/partners/) for web traffic analytics, customer support, remarketing and other services. You can find more information about how we use cookies by reading our Cookies Policy.

The ways we use the info we collect:

We use your data to personalize, segment, and get in touch with you via email or phone. We do this to provide an effective communication and build a relationship. All the data are kept into our systems.

Your rights and consent:

You can visit our website and its pages without providing your personal info, after all is optional. But sometimes we need information to provide advice and/or services that you request, so if you don’t provide consent you’ll have limited access to our content and website.

Under the GDPR, you may submit access request to us asking for a report of your personal information we have and we will send it to you within 40 days.

Want us to remove your information entirely? While we’ll be sad to see you go, you can contact us on info@mind-laboratory.com and we’ll remove your records from our database.