Cyprus Samaritans

Web Design, Social Media, SEO

Client Profile:

Cyprus Samaritans is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing emotional support to individuals in distress, focusing on mental health and well-being. They offer a confidential helpline and volunteer-based support services.

Client Problem:

Cyprus Samaritans faced challenges in raising awareness about their services and increasing volunteer engagement and donations, crucial for sustaining their operations.

Our Solution:

We developed a comprehensive digital marketing strategy to enhance Cyprus Samaritans’ online presence. This included a  web design revamp, targeted social media campaigns, and search engine optimization process to improve search engine visibility.

Our Objectives:
  • Increase awareness of Cyprus Samaritans’ services.
  • Boost volunteer recruitment for call centers & thrift shops.
  • Enhance online donations.
  • Improve overall engagement on digital platforms.
Our team’s marketing strategy:
  • Website Redesign: Created a user-friendly and visually appealing website to highlight their services and impact.
  • SEO audit: Implemented SEO best practices to ensure the website ranks higher on search engines.
  • Social Media Campaigns: Launched targeted campaigns on platforms like Facebook, Instagram.
  • Content Marketing: Developed compelling content, including blog posts, tips for mental health and videos.
  • Non SM related Marketing: Events hosting & Radio Spots.
Challenges faced:
  • Limited Budget: Ensuring maximum impact with minimal financial resources.
  • Stigma Around Mental Health: Overcoming societal stigma to encourage open conversations and engagement.
  • Volunteer Recruitment: Attracting committed volunteers in a small, localized community.
  • Increased Awareness: Significant growth in website traffic and social media followers.
  • Higher Engagement Rates: Improved interaction rates across social media platforms.
Mindlab’s vision for the future:

Mindlab aims to continue supporting Cyprus Samaritans by leveraging advanced digital marketing services, tools and strategies. We plan to:

  • Expand Outreach: Utilize more diverse channels to reach untapped audiences.
  • Enhance Analytics: Implement deeper analytics to track campaign effectiveness and adjust strategies in real-time.
  • Innovate Engagement: Introduce new content formats and interactive elements to keep the community engaged and informed.